5 Ways To Make More Money With Your About Page


Struggling to write your About Page? GOOD FOR YOU!  It’s a key part of your business & you know it.                                    

With 52% of viewers saying the first thing they want to see is an About Me page, why is this potential lead powerhouse becoming an afterthought for so many businesses?

Maybe because people hate writing about themselves – understandable.

Maybe because they’ve never had a strategic about page that noticeably boosts their conversions – more likely.

Well riddle me this -- when you’re debating purchasing a similar product from two businesses, are you more inclined to go with the brand that outlines a list of their products, OR the brand that shares their story, defines their values, & explains why those elements combine to cultivate an experience entirely made for you?

I think we both know the answer.

Your About Me Page is the second most visited page on your website – behind only your Home Page – meaning we know where your audience is looking & soon, we’ll know what kind of information they’re looking for.

The question is, are you putting your best foot forward or will they be moving on to the next brand that is?  

“About Us”, “Our Company”, “Our Team”, “Who We Are” – Here’s a secret: it’s actually not about you.   

This isn’t some cliché break up story, but rather, the truth behind About Us Pages that so many people miss.

Don’t get me wrong, people want to know who you are, but more importantly, they want to know why you’re better suited to offer up something they could get from the next guy.  

If the copy on your About Page feels boring, lackluster, or, worse, like a soapbox moment where you go on, and on, and on some more, potential customers will not only leave your purchasing pipeline but most likely won’t be coming back either.

(Because who would schedule another coffee date with a friend that only talked about themself the whole time?)

Most people visiting your About Page are new potential customers deciding if your brand is the one they can trust & feel comfortable purchasing from. AKA conversions -- & lots of them – weigh on how well you create an About Page that makes your audience feel heard & understood.  

Does that sound like I’m asking you to speak another language? Well, let me tackle the translation for you…


Here are 5 key components of About Pages that turn viewers into customers…

1.     Hook ‘em

(And no, I’m not a Longhorns fan. #GoHornedFrogs)

Users spend an average of 5 seconds looking at a website’s written content. And with the conversions riding on this page, you need to hook ’em real good.

They’re on your About Page because they’re curious, so give them another reason to succumb to their curiosity for a little bit longer.

Many people confuse “the hook” with a gimmick-y sentence that is so far out of bounds, users can’t help but continue reading. But the secret to a good hook is creating a headline that gets at the value they’ll receive. If you know your audience well enough, you’ll know what they find most important, and your hook will come easy.  

2.    Storytelling 

Self-explanatory, right? Not so much.

While a lot of people know that their About Me Page should tell their story, there’s a strategy that many people leave by the wayside.  

Your About Page should detail who you are, why you do what you do, and – most importantly – why that’s important to the reader. In order to tell your story, you need to know your audience first. What is going on in their life & why does your brand perfectly fit into their narrative.  

By getting real with your audience, showing them your why behind the what, and ultimately sharing that you’re truly passionate about the audience your product serves, you build trust that nurtures the purchase decision & brings people back around for a second, third, & fourth time.  

3.     Authenticity

All of the language found on your About Page should sound like YOU!

This may sound crazy after hearing that it should follow a finite strategy, but the key is implementing that strategy using words that are conversational, zesty, and most definitely not “vanilla”.

Remember, you’re trying to show your audience why you’re better equipped to serve up what you’ve got more than the next guy, so put in the extra time to make sure you don’t sound like the next guy.

Sometimes, the hardest thing to do – believe it or not – is writing in your authentic voice. This is why so many businesses hire on copywriters to get the job done.

We’re specialized in taking your unique tone, identifying the little gems of your brand that your audience will love, and building a language that converts.  

4.    Photos

Putting a face – or faces – to the name boosts the trustworthiness of your business. Photos round out the personality of the brand that you’ve built through your storytelling and help bolster the trust you’ve established.

This is also a fun opportunity to share some small non-professional-related tidbits of your life that people will remember. These by all means shouldn’t be the heart of your About Page but including a couple of fun facts offers an additional source of connection for your viewers.

Additionally, when your story, mission, values, & contact information are broken up by visuals of the people who’ve established this brand, the readability & user experience dramatically improves.  

5.     Call To Action

Your About Page is ultimately a sales page: build the rapport and then close the sale.

Viewers came to this page with curiosity, you hooked them in, built trust with your story, & now is the perfect time to continue them along the purchase. Give your viewers a clear call-to-action that identifies the value & a clear way to lock it down.  

If you don’t provide a next step, a lot of viewers won’t find their way to purchase. A call-to-action is key to locking down those conversions & making your About Page the leading salesperson it should be.  


How about a conclusion?

Sorry, cheesy I know, but with 2020’s 4.41 billion new businesses, it’s essential that your brand stands out amongst the crowd. By knowing where your audience is looking, you have the opportunity to show why you deserve their trust and their purchase. If you don’t’ want to let this massive conversion opportunity slip through your fingers, reach out today & let’s turn things around quick!   


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