Magazine Advertisement // Modern Luxury


Modern Luxury is a premier luxury lifestyle publisher with coverage of style, parties, restaurants, bars, fashion, and all things to do in Hawaii. Within the November 2019 issue, I wrote an advertisement for the newly opened restaurant, Quiora, to be included within the “Top 5” piece, which outlined 5 must visit restaurants for that month. 

target & goals

As Quiora was a new restaurant within Waikiki located 8 floors above the hustle and bustle of foot traffic, the goal of this advertisement centered on gaining exposure and providing people with a strong reason to abandon the streets of Waikiki and instead enjoy the skyline. 

my special ingredient

With a small amount of writing real estate, I quickly detailed the greatest benefits unique to visiting Quiora using eye-catching and memorable writing. Knowing that many working people in Waikiki enjoy a weeknight bite and beverage typically within a comfortable outdoor setting, I quickly provided them with an easy answer for their next outing: Quiora.


Print Copy // Ranifly Bikinis


Product Descriptions // G.Lion Hawaii