Product Descriptions // Layra Dental & Beauty


Layra Dental made its name providing exceptional cosmetic dentistry at an affordable price. This path led them to also uncover the limited accessibility to affordable, trustworthy noninvasive cosmetic procedures such as Botox and fillers. They recently added a renowned KOL and expert nurse to the Layra Dental team to launch this additional product offering within their office and continue their mission of accessible and exceptional cosmetic care.

target & goals 

The goal of this website page was to detail this new product offering by introducing the Expert Nurse and by providing product descriptions of the new cosmetic offerings. As this page serves as a product page, there needed to be a strong call to action at the conclusion.

my special ingredient 

Choosing to invest in cosmetic procedures is oftentimes a deeply personal process that requires sincere thought. Through this page, I answer the questions consumers typically have, make light of the worries that typically turn them away such as money and guilt, and breath new, exciting life into a topic they may have been teasing for awhile.


Landing Page // Naam Wynn


Print Copy // Ranifly Bikinis